❤ ❤ Welcome. I'm glad you're here.
I'm Lynn, a Rehab Audiologist and Listening and Spoken Language Certified Auditory Verbal Therapist in private practice at the Auditory Verbal Center of Wheaton in Illinois.
I have over 35 years of experience and specialize in pediatric auditory verbal therapy, post cochlear implant auditory rehabilitation for children and adults, and therapy for individuals with auditory processing needs.
Beyond my love of direct therapy, I have an affinity for resource design, practical professional development, and guiding and coaching families of children who are deaf and hard of hearing. I launched Listen With Lynn™ in 2019, to offer and share Listening and Spoken Language tools, resources, and activities for parents and professionals
I hope my years of experience and resources assist, encourage, and make your listening and spoken language journey easier.
❤ I'm a great listener and love to chat. I'd love to hear from you. My email is ListenWithLynn@gmail.com