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Shop NowHundreds of creative educators work many hours creating great materials to support the specific learning needs of our students with hearing loss.
Teacher Tools Takeout is a forum for you to share your work, whether for sale or free, so that other educators and family members of children with hearing loss can more effectively support good child development and student outcomes.
When you have created/chosen original materials (length of material is up to you)
What if I want to offer my materials for free?
Teacher Tools Takeout encourages you to submit free materials as long as they are high-quality, beneficial to students, teachers, or parents, and would not be considered ‘sales literature’. Any items, including those for free, will still need to have a submission form completed so that we have the information needed to upload the item(s) into the Takeout system.
Why are Teacher Notes pages preferred?
There are too few teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing, educational audiologists, and specializing speech language pathologists to meet all of the intervention needs of students with hearing loss. Increasingly, families and educators that do not have special training in the learning needs of students with hearing loss are taking on the responsibility to enhance their education and/or address their identified learning needs. For these reasons we encourage you to include a Teacher Notes page with your submitted materials (usually first or last page of material).