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Shop Now.avi - | Audio Video Interleaved video file |
.bmp - | Bitmap image for PC |
.bnk - | ExamView Question Bank |
.doc - | Microsoft Word pre-2007 |
.docx - | Microsoft Word post-2007 |
.dot - | Graphviz Graph Visualization Software |
.exec - | PC/Windows executable program |
.epub - | E-Pub free and open e-book format |
.flp - | Promethean ActivPrimary or ActivStudio interactive lesson plan |
.flv - | Flash Video for Adobe Flash Player .flipchart - Promethean Activeinspire or Activeboard interactive content |
.gif - | Graphic Interchange Format image .htm - Hypertext Markup Language for all web browsers |
.html - | Hypertext Markup Language for all web browsers |
.ink - | Mimio whiteboard |
.jpeg - | Common image usually produced by digital cameras |
.jpg - | Common image usually produced by digital cameras |
.key - | Apple Keynote presentation software |
.knt - | KeyNote tabbed notebook and personal information manager |
.mov - | MPEG 4 video file for Apple Quicktime |
.mp3 - | MPEG 3 digital audio |
.mpeg - | MPEG 1 & 2 digital audio & video |
.mpg - | MPEG 1 & 2 digital audio & video |
.mp4 - | MPEG 4 digital audio & video |
.m4a - | MPEG 4 digital audio & video |
.m4v - | MPEG 4 digital audio & video with Digital Rights Management |
.notebook - | SMART Technologies SMARTboard content |
.ods - | OpenOffice spreadsheet |
.pdf - | Portable Document Format universal document |
.png - | Portable Network Graphic image |
.pps - | Microsoft PowerPoint slide show presentation pre-2007 |
.ppsx | Microsoft PowerPoint slide show presentation post-2007 |
.ppt - | Microsoft PowerPoint pre-2007 |
.pptx - | Microsoft PowerPoint post-2007 |
.pub - | Microsoft Publisher |
.ram - | Real Audio Metadata |
.rm - | RealMedia audio & video |
.rtf - | Rich Text Format |
.swf - | Adobe ShockWave Flash |
.tif - | Tagged Image Format for publishing and graphic design |
.tiff - | Tagged Image Format for publishing and graphic design |
.txt - | Plain text |
.wav - | PC/Windows CD-quality digital audio |
.wpd - | WordPerfect Document |
.wmv - | Windows Media Video |
.xls - | Microsoft Excel spreadsheet pre-2007 |
.xlsx - | Microsoft Excel spreadsheet post-2007 |
.xlt - | Microsoft Excel template pre-2007 |
.xltx - | Microsoft Excel template post-2007 |
.zip - | Common archive usually containing multiple internal files. Specify the included file types within your .zip file. |
Google Docs™ | |
Google Forms™ | |
Google Slides™ | |
Google Drive™ folders |