Hearing screening guidelines were compiled in 2011 for the American Academy of Audiology. Guidelines are for students in preschool and K-2,3-5,6-8,9-12 and include specific recommendations for use of
...puretone, otoacoustic emissions, and tympanometry screening plus recommendations for follow up.
This excerpted information from Building Skills for Success in the Fast-Paced Classroom provides some background to assessment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and then includes sample rep
...orts with language for observation reports, speech perception, auditory skills, social and conversational competence, self-concept, self-advocacy, and curriculum access.
Listening Inventory For Education - Revised 15 questions in the Student Appraisal. Photos of school situations representing each question. Emoji icons representing rating scale choices. Fillable.
Informational article describing the legal foundation supporting tailored assessment for students with hearing loss and need for effective performance review. Refers to Resources for Identifying DHH S
...tudent Needs which is available from Teacher Tools Takeout.
Fillable list of areas to be considered by the IEP team in addition to traditional domains (academics, speECH- language, etc). Basis for discussion by the IEP team.
Discussion based checklist. Identifies general goals and characteristics of instructional access, communication access, interaction, additional supports. Lists different accommodation needs related to
... access. For DHH teachers or school teams.
Summary of assessment tests for students with hearing loss organized by area of evaluation needs for transition to preschool (ages 3-5) and school-age students.
Detailed Guide to Assessing Auditory Skill Development in School-Aged
Children is a collection of assessment resources that have been associated
with the different skill levels within t
...he auditory hierarchy of development. Each auditory skill is listed and the
suggested assessments which are associated with the skill level. Includes a
very extensive resource list of assessment resources available in 2011. From
Building Skills for Success in the Fast-Paced Classroom.
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