Data collection sheet for cochlear maintenance. It specifies 5 check/care items and a date field for verification that cochlear implant processors have been monitored appropriately. Fillable.
Chart used to mark each time the student wears FM/DM/HAT in school or successfully checks HAT function. Large space to allow for sticker, stamp, or mark in reward.
BUNDLE - Worksheets for primary level instruction on hearing aids. There are 12 worksheets including instruction on a hearing aid routine and maintenance checklist, labeling hearing aid parts, a flow
...chart for troubleshooting, and a hearing aid parts game. Bundle IDs 0480-0483, 0502-0505.
A collection of comic strips revealing troublesome situations for teens with hearing loss. Includes commentary on how each humorous situation might be resolved.20 more situations and scenarios that m
... mix humor with compassion in negotiating social communication.More antics and advocacy for teens and tweens with hearing loss.
Complete curriculum guidance and scenarios for instruction in amplification (including hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems), hearing loss basics including audiograms and ear anatomy, liste
...ning environments, and social awareness situations.
Data collection sheet for FM, DM, HAT. It specifies 5 check/care items and a date field for verification that HAT systems have been monitored appropriately. Fillable.
Chart used to mark each time the student wears hearing aids to school or successfully checks hearing aid function. Large space to allow for sticker, stamp, or mark in reward.
Chart used to mark each time the student wears cochlear implants to school or successfully checks implant function. Large space to allow for sticker, stamp, or mark in reward.
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