Understanding ‘time’ plays a key role in comprehension of each element of literature. Time marks the movement of action within the story. It also marks changes within the story. These instructional s
...al strategies focus on character's feelings and how they are related to behaviors, conflict, and action in the story. Activities include identifying transition words that indicate movement of time, sequencing characters' actions within the story, writing sentences with transition words, and using tense markers.
The most important reading skill is determining the main idea of a passage. Closely linked to this is the understanding of supporting details. Supporting details clarify and expand understanding of th
...e main idea. These pages give instructional strategies for teaching descriptive detail. Activities include passage analysis, recognizing personification, identifying descriptors, and writing job descriptions using adjectives.
Explanation to parents and teachers about the importance of retelling and sequencing events. Worksheets include: sequencing stages of a butterfly, retelling events of the school day, finding the begin
...ning, middle and ending of a story, fiction and non-fiction reader response forms.
Students demonstrate auditory comprehension of text that is read to them by retelling and/or identifying message or theme. Suggests questions about student's listening skills to consider when planning
... instruction. Includes retelling wheel, rubric, retelling prompt cards, common message/moral/theme cards, 2 international folk tales, activities responding to Casey at the Bat with suggestions for extending learning.
Age-appropriate listening and language skills are required for any child to succeed at school. At school, more advanced developmental skills, namely literacy and numeracy skills, are developed. A pare
...nt can already start to introduce basic literacy and numeracy concepts to a child as of birth. Parents do not always realize that preparing the child beforehand to learn each of these skills, is vital. Before children go to school, they need to acquire certain skills that will help them to read and write. This is the joint responsibility of the parents and the child’s educational team, such as the teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing, early intervention provider, speech-language therapist, and/or preschool teacher.Emergent literacy: Before teaching reading and writing skills, a child needs to know the processes and concepts involved in reading and writing. Emergent literacy skills discussed in this lesson include literacy socialization, phonological awareness, as well as printed word and alphabet knowledge. Reading is the process through which meaning is attached to written symbols and letters. It is about comprehending and actively responding to the content.Writing is the use of symbols to communicate thoughts and ideas. It is a way to represent language in a visual and tactile form. The development of the different components of emergent literacy, reading and writing is discussed in this lesson.
This bundle includes instructional strategies for literacy instruction beginning with print awareness to reading comprehension. The 5 components of literacy are discussed in detail, and activities ar
...e included, many for all levels of instruction. 48 pages. Includes ID numbers: 0971, 0972, 0980, 0982, 0983, 0985, 0986, 0987, 0988.
Reading comprehension is the process of combining thinking with text to construct meaning from written language. Instructional strategies and activities including accessing prior knowledge to, questi
...oning, inferring, visualizing, summarizing, and synthesizing.
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