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UDL Service Planning Maps UDL Service Planning Maps
UDL Service Planning Maps
By Diversely Deaf
sku: A32TEA1611
$ 2
Why Use This?UDL is the Best PracticePrep 1x  for your favorite IEP goals - Use Many Times!Easy to tailor your template to your student’s needs.This tool is designed to save you time.  Have you gotten ... otten to the end of an IEP year and realized you forgot one of your most effective, fun lessons?  Let’s face it…itinerants & specialists have many activities and resources available to us with TPT.  This blessing also means we occasionally forget what is in our proverbial toolbox.How To UseSelect the best calendar for your student’s IEP goal.  (August and September starting calendars) Using the “universal design for learning” concept write in your favorite lessons to meet that goal.  Adjust the lessons as needed.Do once and reuse for years 
Self-Advocacy - Predict, Plan, Prepare Self-Advocacy - Predict, Plan, Prepare
Self-Advocacy - Predict, Plan, Prepare
$ 0
Making predictions and preparing for circumstances makes life so much easier. Help students understand how to manage time, problem-solve, and plan for their day with these ideas for activities and for ... ward-thinking strategies.
Advocacy - Supplement to Steps to Success BUNDLE Advocacy - Supplement to Steps to Success BUNDLE
Advocacy - Supplement to Steps to Success BUNDLE
$ 1095
This bundle of teacher information, worksheets, and activities include a range of advocacy topics from college preparation, to living indpendently. Students will acquire new vocabulary, use critical ... thinking skills to solve problems, opportunities for self-discovery and discussion, and above all learn the who, what, when, how, and why of self-advocacy. Though some activities can be modified for upper elementary, most activities are for intermediate to advanced learners. 41 pages. Collected IDs in the BUNDLE: S0XHLU0740, S0XHLU0741, S0XHLU0742, S0XADV0743, S0XSOC0744, S0XSM0745, S0XADV0748.
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal Review Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal Review
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal Review
$ 395
Once specific skills have been taught and practiced with support, topic centered activities are a good way to review previouSZy taught steps and demonstrate mastery over time and in different situatio ... ns. Advocacy instruction is not a onetime ‘teach and it’s done’ type of lesson. Incorporating advocacy instruction within daily routine and through topics of interest will promote retention and used of learned skills.
ITOD - TOD Service Hall Pass:  Fillable ITOD - TOD Service Hall Pass:  Fillable
ITOD - TOD Service Hall Pass: Fillable
By Diversely Deaf
sku: A32SM1612
$ 3
printabledigitally fillableAre you an itinerant on the run? Are you tired of waiting in the front office for someone to write a pass for your student?  Have you had a school(s) ask you to bring your p ... pass? In the last couple of years, some districts asked all specialists to bring their own prefilled passes, even though we are contracted specialists.Now, when I enter middle and high school, I get looks of relief and often express gratitude for being efficient and professional.   **This works best with schools where your identity is already established with front office staff.For those Teachers of the Deaf who do not travel but like pretty teaching things, this might be for you too.  This new product costs only $2.00 for a set of 9 designs in fillable or printable options. Plus a page with space to upload your school/agency logo or letterhead.
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 7- Understanding Rights and Access Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 7- Understanding Rights and Access
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 7- Understanding Rights and Access
$ 295
Use this worksheet with students to teach them about their civil rights and rights to access in the workplace, at college, and in the community. What accommodations do they feel they need to be fully ... engaged as a member of a community?