Worksheet in which students describe challenges they may face in their post-high school living environment, accommodations to overcome the challenges, and documentation needed to request the accommoda
BUNDLE - Worksheets for high school level instruction on career explorations and possible challenges they will face related to their hearing loss. There are 4 worksheets that allow the student to iden
...tify career interests, research potential jobs, and possible challenges in the workplace, and investigate solutions to those challenges. Bundle IDs 0554-0556, 0558.
BUNDLE - Worksheets for high school level instruction on the IEP process. There are 3 worksheets that will walk a student through activily participating in their IEP. Worksheets include: What is an I
...EP?, Recognizing My Strengths and Needs, and Planning for Transition Services. Bundle IDs 0532-0534.
BUNDLE - Worksheets for high school level instruction on exploring postsecondary school and identifying the challenges students may face in attending the school they choose. There are 3 worksheets tha
...t allow the student to identify postsecondary schools of interest, possible challenges they may face, and accommodations to overcome the challenges. Bundle IDs 0554, 0557, 0558.
This fact sheet summarizes the competencies for Transition Specialists beyond those of novice special educators. Specifies basic foundations, characteristics of learners, assessment, instructional con
...tent, planning, managing behavior, etc.
Guide created by the Minnesota DHH Transition Work Group. Includes information about transition regarding 1) self-advocacy 2) employment 3) postsecondary education and training 4) independent living 5
...) transition timeline 6) records to keep 7) additional considerations. From MN Department of Education. 2013.
Worksheet in which students list organizations, purpose, membership, benefits, and how the student might use the organization in the future. Students develop a reference for themselves for post-high s
...chool situations.
Worksheet in which students explore the requirements of different occupations. They list information about the nature of the work, skills/training needed, challenges, and opinions. Includes a workshee
...t in which students list career challenges that they may face and possible solutions to compensate for these challenges.
Specific skills listed for each grade 9-12 regarding post-secondary skills. Includes space for transition case manager name, dates of evaluation, and places to indicate if the student has a need, is w
...orking on, or has mastered skills.
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