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Elephant in the Room (Video) Elephant in the Room (Video)
Elephant in the Room (Video)
By James Bombicino
sku: A13ADV1410
$ 6
Skyler has a hearing loss. And he doesn’t feel much like talking today. No wonder—he keeps missing what his parents and siblings have to say, and it’s frustrating. Skyler’s little sister, Maizy, tags ... y, tags along on his morning routine and, with the help of her special friend, we learn that it takes more than hearing aids to help Skyler feel like talking again.This 35-page full color children’s book by Audiologist Jim Bombicino provides avenues for discussion and building vocabulary by highlighting the difficulties that students may face each day, including mishearing and misunderstanding information, the effect of background noise, and consequential frustration and confusion that can happen when the ease of daily communication is taken for granted by typically hearing persons.  In this case, the story follows a young boy as he awakens and prepares for a typical school day.This video version includes audio of the text read by actors, while their voices are filtered to imitate how Skyler hears through his hearing aids! Listening situations include a speaker with added background noise, simultaneous speakers, a speaker talking too quickly, and mishearing words—all heard as they come through Skyler’s hearing devices.  Perfect for helping teachers, families, and classmates understand what a hearing loss might be like.  Finally put typically hearing adults and children in the shoes of the child with hearing loss!Video download can be accessed on any device. Please respect the copyright and creativity of the author and avoid sharing as freeware.For grades 3-6
Advocacy in Action Middle School Handouts BUNDLE Advocacy in Action Middle School Handouts BUNDLE
Advocacy in Action Middle School Handouts BUNDLE
$ 395
Worksheet for entire Middle School Advocacy in Action curriculum. There are 11 worksheets covering topics such as understanding hearing loss (in themselves and other role models), assistive devices, ... and social awareness situations. Bundle IDs 0527-0531, 0513, 0514.
Advocacy-Adult Perspective-Arguing Can be Good (Sue) Advocacy-Adult Perspective-Arguing Can be Good (Sue)
Advocacy-Adult Perspective-Arguing Can be Good (Sue)
$ 2
Expose older students to how self-advocacy skills different from school to adult life. Students are given an article written by an adult with hearing loss. Encourage discussion and forward-thinking wi ... th this activity. This article addresses the challenges and benefits of advocating for your own listening needs. See BUNDLE at S0XSCI729.
Advocacy-Talk from the Trenches-Team You! Advocacy-Talk from the Trenches-Team You!
Advocacy-Talk from the Trenches-Team You!
$ 2
Engage teens in discussion and goal-setting for future success as a young adult with hearing loss. See BUNDLE at S0XSOC739.
Self-Advocacy Listen & Draw Directions DHH Self-Advocacy Listen & Draw Directions DHH
Self-Advocacy Listen & Draw Directions DHH
By Listen With Lynn - Lynn A. Wood
sku: A15LIS1207
$ 3
LISTEN TO LEARN is the eighth in the popular Listen & Draw series. These are all auditory imagery activities that target following directions while growing vocabulary, memory and sequencing skills. De ... etails can be easily simplified or information added to increase the complexity to match the child’s listening and language goals.Children listen to detailed descriptions then follow the directions and draw four different young students all of which are deaf or hard of hearing and use hearing technology. A couple of the kids could be better listeners which is both entertaining and learning opportunities for the kids.Isabella hears with two cochlear implants.Watson hears with two hearing aids.Bryn hears with a Baha® device.Noah hears with a hearing aid in his left ear and a cochlear implant on the right. This LISTEN TO LEARN activity also targets self-advocacy skills. Talking through each scenario will encourage your students to understand the importance of listening to learn and be successful at school.Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) tips are included to encourage auditory learning.
Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener
Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener
By Listen With Lynn - Lynn A. Wood
sku: A15ADV1206
$ 5
This resource is a hilarious self-advocacy activity. Your students will say it is their favorite activity and, you will know they are learning to become the boss of their hearing loss. It was created ... to encourage self-advocacy skills in children who are deaf and hard of hearing but is effective when targeting listening skills in all kids.The Premise: Sinister has two ears, wears great hearing devices, and has been in listening and language therapy since he was a toddler. But, it doesn’t matter. Sinister is a BAD listener! He doesn’t try and makes up excuses for not listening. Sinister gets in a whole lot of trouble because he doesn’t listen.The adult leads a discussion using Sinister’s poor excuses for not listening. Kids love imagining the trouble Sinister gets himself into because he doesn’t listen. This activity is an easy, no-prep way to encourage the child to be Boss of Your Hearing Loss. Parents can use it at home, teachers and therapists both face-to-face and during tele-practice. While not age-specific it has been successfully used with kids in 1st grade and up through middle school. This resource can be easily leveled up or down to meet various children's goals and needs.Sinister The Bad Listener requires no prep or planning because everything is in this resource. It can be easily used by parents at home, teachers, and therapists both face-to-face and on tele-platforms. This Digital - No Print resource can be opened and played with your favorite PDF reader app on a tablet. When playing on a computer, open and use a PDF reader such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Boom LearningSinister the Bad Listener is also available as a Boom Deck in the Listen With Lynn Boom Learning store.   Please note: Sinister The Bad Listener is a serve-and-return conversational game between the adult and the listener. There is no audio component or sound bytes included.◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈You'll love all these resources for kids with hearing loss and self-advocacy activities!❤ ❤ Check out the Bundle of 8 Self-Advocacy $$ saving bundle! SELF-ADVOCACY Tips For Communication Success (Free)SELF-ADVOCACY The 5 L's For Listening (Free)SELF-ADVOCACY This or That?SELF-ADVOCACY Bluffing Never Have I Ever ActivitySELF-ADVOCACY Role Play Real-Life ConnectionsSELF-ADVOCACY Scenarios At Group Gatherings & CelebrationsSELF-ADVOCACY Sinister The Bad ListenerSELF-ADVOCACY Scenarios - Turning Lemons Into LemonadeSELF-ADVOCACY Perk Up Your Ears (Ear-related sayings and idioms)SELF-ADVOCACY Listen & Draw Directions◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ CUSTOMER TIPS:➼ Click here to stay updated!➼ Be the first to know about freebies, sales, and product launches.➼ New products are 50% off the first 24 hours STAY CONNECTED:✧ Sign-up here for the Listen With Lynn Email✧ Follow on Facebook ✧ Follow on Instagram ✧ Feel free to email me with questions, before purchasing this resource or anytime later.  ❤  Keep up your excellent work. I am blessed to help along the way. Thanks so much! Lynn
Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT
Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT
By James Bombicino
sku: A13ADV1224
$ 3
NOTE: Powerpoint Presentation for viewing on PCA collection of comic strips revealing troublesome situations for teens with hearing loss. Includes commentary on how each humorous situation might be re ... resolved.20 more situations and scenarios that mix humor with compassion in negotiating social communication.More antics and advocacy for teens and tweens with hearing loss.
My Dawg Koa ( Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series) Printable Workbook  Ages 3-5 My Dawg Koa ( Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series) Printable Workbook  Ages 3-5
My Dawg Koa ( Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series) Printable Workbook Ages 3-5
By Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series
sku: A25TEA1453
$ 799
No prep time, just print and go!Every student needs to learn that friends have similar interests in common, but they are also different. Students will also learn tools that Deaf or Hard of Hearing peo ... ple can use around their house.Download this complete lesson plan written by a certified Deaf Educator for ages 3 to 5 and Pre-K to K. Nine printable worksheets are included as companions to the picture book: My Dawg Koa (Duke the Deaf Dog ASL Series #3), by Kelly Brakenhoff: two different cover art options, paper craft instructions, four worksheets, and two coloring pages. Video tutorial links are included for practicing the ASL vocabulary and an ASL version of the complete story performed by a deaf college instructor.There are many creative ways to use this workbook in your classroom.Have a small group read the book together, while other small groups are reading a different book. Have the group of students complete the worksheets and discuss their responses to the social emotional aspects of the story. The students can break into pairs to practice the ASL signs used in the book.Have a student read the book independently, complete the worksheets, and view the ASL video tutorials online.Read aloud the story to your class and/or watch the video version of the story in ASL with the link provided. Use the lesson plan and follow the discussion questions with a full class or in smaller groups.This packet is also perfect to supplement homeschooling curriculum.
Elephant in the Room Discussion Guide Elephant in the Room Discussion Guide
Elephant in the Room Discussion Guide
By James Bombicino
sku: A13ADV1160
$ 0
This discussion guide is meant to accompany the book with prompts for each page. ...
SACA-A: Self-Assessment of Communication Adolescent - fillable SACA-A: Self-Assessment of Communication Adolescent - fillable
SACA-A: Self-Assessment of Communication Adolescent - fillable
$ 195
SAC-A: Self-Assessment of Communication - Adolescent is to be completed by teens with hearing loss as a means to explore their feelings about being a communicator with hearing loss. Best when used wit ... h the SOAC - Significant Other Assessment of Communication to allow comparison to take place to further inform the student with hearing loss about the degree to which hearing peers consider their hearing loss. Fillable version.