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Advocacy in Action Assessment Tracker Advocacy in Action Assessment Tracker
Advocacy in Action Assessment Tracker
$ 1
Assessment tool and its guidelines for use. Guides the teacher, clinician, or itinerant to evaluate the student(s) and determine appropriate instruction. The assessment covers grades K-2; 3-5;6-8;9- ... 12, broken in 4 grade level segments and instruction topics. Non-fillable.
Positive Self-Concept Auditory Learning Games Positive Self-Concept Auditory Learning Games
Positive Self-Concept Auditory Learning Games
By Listen With Lynn - Lynn A. Wood
sku: A15LIS1495
$ 5
If you have kids who are deaf and hard of hearing that need a boost building their CONFIDENCE and SELF-CONCEPT then this resource is a must-have! It helps children feel good about themselves and their ... hearing technology! The two games also target auditory memory, comprehension, descriptive vocabulary, questioning skills, grammar, and social skills.Colorful playing cards feature 16 children wearing hearing devices like hearing aids, cochlear implants, and bone-anchored hearing systems. It highlights vocabulary like unilateral, bilateral, behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, earmolds, processor, headpiece, magnet, coil, microphone, and more.  Talking and learning about hearing devices prepares kids with resilience and builds appropriate advocacy skills from an early age. These auditory learning games are FUN for the kids and are a SIMPLE one-time prep GRAB & GO activity for you.  INCLUDES:✧ H-EARS TO YOU - Game 1 Uses differential yes or no questions to listen and isolate a "hidden" game card of a child who is deaf or hard of hearing. (Print version and a Digital version ready to screen share)✧ HEAR! HEAR! - Game 2 Players ask questions and listen to match pairs of children with hearing loss. (Print)✧ A guide with instructions and potential listening and language outcomes. ✧ Listening and spoken language (LSL) Tips◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ CUSTOMER TIPS ➼ Questions? EMAIL ME before purchasing this resource or anytime later ➼ Earn TPT Credit towards your future purchases by leaving a review for this resource.  ➼ Follow me to be updated with newbies and freebies! ♥ Sign-up HERE for the Listen With Lynn Emails ♥ Let’s Connect on   Instagram and  Facebook  Keep up your good work. I am blessed to help along the way.  Thanks so much!  Lynn Wood
Advocacy-Adult Perspective -Advocating with Principal (Mark) Advocacy-Adult Perspective -Advocating with Principal (Mark)
Advocacy-Adult Perspective -Advocating with Principal (Mark)
$ 0
Expose older students to how self-advocacy skills different from school to adult life. Students are given an article written by an adult with hearing loss. Encourage discussion and forward-thinking wi ... th this activity. See BUNDLE at S0XSCI729.
Parts of the Ear Game Parts of the Ear Game
Parts of the Ear Game
By Andrea Praught
sku: A14ADV1161
$ 5
This is a fun digital learning activity for a student to review the 3 parts of the ear. The learner identifies the function of each part, what is in each part and uses a diagram to identify parts of t ... he ear.There are very few digital learning activities available today. Advocacy practice for students with hearing loss includes learning about hearing. As students begin to learn how they ear, identifying the 3 parts of the ear is a first step. They need lots of practice labeling different parts of the ear and identifying how they help with hearing. Learning Objective:1. The student will be able to identify functions of the 3 parts of the ear. 2. Given a diagram, the student will label the part of the ear.
Advocacy in Action Curriculum Lower Elementary Advocacy in Action Curriculum Lower Elementary
Advocacy in Action Curriculum Lower Elementary
$ 7
Complete curriculum guidance and scenarios for instruction in amplification (including hearing aids, cochlear implants, and FM systems), listening environments, and social awareness situations.
Hearing Aid Use Social Story Hearing Aid Use Social Story
Hearing Aid Use Social Story
$ 175
This BoardmakerTM social story provides a clear example of how to address using hearing aids everyday and what to do if the hearing aid is not working.
Advocacy in Action Curriculum guide, worksheets, and assessment tracker for High School - BUNDLE Advocacy in Action Curriculum guide, worksheets, and assessment tracker for High School - BUNDLE
Advocacy in Action Curriculum guide, worksheets, and assessment tracker for High School - BUNDLE
$ 1295
Complete curriculum guidance and scenarios for instruction in the students involvement in IEP planning, understanding and applying the law, assistive devices, and exploring options after graduation ( ... transitioning into the workplace or postsecondary school). Also includes a a pre and post assessment skills tracker that can be used to determine strengths and needs, track skill acquisition, and create goals and objectives. Includes items 0522, 0532 - 0534, 0536-0539, 0552-0559, 0478, 0479
Advocacy in Action Curriculum High School Advocacy in Action Curriculum High School
Advocacy in Action Curriculum High School
$ 1050
Complete curriculum guidance and scenarios for instruction in the students involvement in IEP planning, understanding and applying the law, assistive devices, and exploring options after graduation ( ... transitioning into the workplace or postsecondary school).
Advocacy In Action Curriuculum guide, worksheets, and Assessment tracker for Middle School - BUNDLE Advocacy In Action Curriuculum guide, worksheets, and Assessment tracker for Middle School - BUNDLE
Advocacy In Action Curriuculum guide, worksheets, and Assessment tracker for Middle School - BUNDLE
$ 1695
Complete curriculum guidance, fillable sheets, activities and scenarios for instruction in understanding hearing loss (in themselves and other role models), assistive devices, and social awareness si ... tuations. Also includes a a pre and post assessment skills tracker that can be used to determine strengths and needs, track skill acquisition, and create goals and objectives. Includes items 0527-0531, 0535, 0539, 0479, 0477
Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener
Self-Advocacy Sinister, The Bad Listener
By Listen With Lynn - Lynn A. Wood
sku: A15ADV1206
$ 5
This resource is a hilarious self-advocacy activity. Your students will say it is their favorite activity and, you will know they are learning to become the boss of their hearing loss. It was created ... to encourage self-advocacy skills in children who are deaf and hard of hearing but is effective when targeting listening skills in all kids.The Premise: Sinister has two ears, wears great hearing devices, and has been in listening and language therapy since he was a toddler. But, it doesn’t matter. Sinister is a BAD listener! He doesn’t try and makes up excuses for not listening. Sinister gets in a whole lot of trouble because he doesn’t listen.The adult leads a discussion using Sinister’s poor excuses for not listening. Kids love imagining the trouble Sinister gets himself into because he doesn’t listen. This activity is an easy, no-prep way to encourage the child to be Boss of Your Hearing Loss. Parents can use it at home, teachers and therapists both face-to-face and during tele-practice. While not age-specific it has been successfully used with kids in 1st grade and up through middle school. This resource can be easily leveled up or down to meet various children's goals and needs.Sinister The Bad Listener requires no prep or planning because everything is in this resource. It can be easily used by parents at home, teachers, and therapists both face-to-face and on tele-platforms. This Digital - No Print resource can be opened and played with your favorite PDF reader app on a tablet. When playing on a computer, open and use a PDF reader such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Boom LearningSinister the Bad Listener is also available as a Boom Deck in the Listen With Lynn Boom Learning store.   Please note: Sinister The Bad Listener is a serve-and-return conversational game between the adult and the listener. There is no audio component or sound bytes included.◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈You'll love all these resources for kids with hearing loss and self-advocacy activities!❤ ❤ Check out the Bundle of 8 Self-Advocacy $$ saving bundle! SELF-ADVOCACY Tips For Communication Success (Free)SELF-ADVOCACY The 5 L's For Listening (Free)SELF-ADVOCACY This or That?SELF-ADVOCACY Bluffing Never Have I Ever ActivitySELF-ADVOCACY Role Play Real-Life ConnectionsSELF-ADVOCACY Scenarios At Group Gatherings & CelebrationsSELF-ADVOCACY Sinister The Bad ListenerSELF-ADVOCACY Scenarios - Turning Lemons Into LemonadeSELF-ADVOCACY Perk Up Your Ears (Ear-related sayings and idioms)SELF-ADVOCACY Listen & Draw Directions◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ CUSTOMER TIPS:➼ Click here to stay updated!➼ Be the first to know about freebies, sales, and product launches.➼ New products are 50% off the first 24 hours STAY CONNECTED:✧ Sign-up here for the Listen With Lynn Email✧ Follow on Facebook ✧ Follow on Instagram ✧ Feel free to email me with questions, before purchasing this resource or anytime later.  ❤  Keep up your excellent work. I am blessed to help along the way. Thanks so much! Lynn