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Noise - Lifelong Harm to Children's Hearing Noise - Lifelong Harm to Children's Hearing
Noise - Lifelong Harm to Children's Hearing
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0239
$ 0
Informational handout on the impact of excessive noise on hearing ability and prevention.
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 4-Self-Knowledge Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 4-Self-Knowledge
Advocacy - Steps to SA Success Goal 4-Self-Knowledge
$ 295
Use this fillable worksheet to help students understand their concept of themselves. Learn vocabulary associated with personal attributes, character, and personality.
Advocacy in Action High School Handouts  BUNDLE Advocacy in Action High School Handouts  BUNDLE
Advocacy in Action High School Handouts BUNDLE
$ 195
Worksheet for entire High School Advocacy in Action curriculum. There are 17 worksheets covering topics such as student involvement in IEP planning, understanding and applying the law, assistive devi ... ces, workplace situations, postsecondary school. Bundle IDs 0532-0539, 0513, 0514.
Following Oral Directions - Meet the Familiar Sounds Audiogram Following Oral Directions - Meet the Familiar Sounds Audiogram
Following Oral Directions - Meet the Familiar Sounds Audiogram
$ 2
Activities for explaining the audiogram to children. Includes cut outs for sound representation on a blank audiogram grid.
Hearing Screening in Early Childhood: What, Why, How (PPT handout) Hearing Screening in Early Childhood: What, Why, How (PPT handout)
Hearing Screening in Early Childhood: What, Why, How (PPT handout)
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XASM0203
$ 0
PowerPoint handout of presentation of information for hearing screening within Part C and preschool populations. Includes legal foundations and OSEP recommendations.
Audio clip: Mild hearing loss simulation (30 dB) Audio clip: Mild hearing loss simulation (30 dB)
Audio clip: Mild hearing loss simulation (30 dB)
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0208
$ 150
Simulation from original 1960s record: 30 dB mild hearing loss.
Dangerous Decibels - Educator Resource Guide Dangerous Decibels - Educator Resource Guide
Dangerous Decibels - Educator Resource Guide
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0232
$ 0
Educator Resource Guide from www.dangerousdecibels.org. Provides background information for the teacher, 4 hands-on classroom activities and an extensive glossary.
12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing 12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing
12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0213
$ 0
Guide written for speECH- language pathologists and others new to meeting the needs of students who are hard of hearing. Provides 12 stePS- to consider when determining appropriate services and accomm ... odations.
The Insidious Effects of Classroom Acoustics on Student Performance The Insidious Effects of Classroom Acoustics on Student Performance
The Insidious Effects of Classroom Acoustics on Student Performance
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0403
$ 0
Informational handout describes the realities of classroom acoustics and the impact on student learning, teaching and strategies to address acoustics issues.
Parts of the Ear Game Parts of the Ear Game
Parts of the Ear Game
By Andrea Praught
sku: A14ADV1161
$ 5
This is a fun digital learning activity for a student to review the 3 parts of the ear. The learner identifies the function of each part, what is in each part and uses a diagram to identify parts of t ... he ear.There are very few digital learning activities available today. Advocacy practice for students with hearing loss includes learning about hearing. As students begin to learn how they ear, identifying the 3 parts of the ear is a first step. They need lots of practice labeling different parts of the ear and identifying how they help with hearing. Learning Objective:1. The student will be able to identify functions of the 3 parts of the ear. 2. Given a diagram, the student will label the part of the ear.