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Speaking & Listening



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Beyond the Sky’s Limit Beyond the Sky’s Limit
Beyond the Sky’s Limit
By James Bombicino
sku: A13ADV1223
$ 299
 A collection of comic strips revealing troublesome situations for teens with hearing loss. Includes commentary on how each humorous situation might be resolved.20 more situations and scenarios that m ... mix humor with compassion in negotiating social communication.More antics and advocacy for teens and tweens with hearing loss.
Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT
Beyond the Sky’s Limit -PPT
By James Bombicino
sku: A13ADV1224
$ 3
NOTE: Powerpoint Presentation for viewing on PCA collection of comic strips revealing troublesome situations for teens with hearing loss. Includes commentary on how each humorous situation might be re ... resolved.20 more situations and scenarios that mix humor with compassion in negotiating social communication.More antics and advocacy for teens and tweens with hearing loss.
Parts of the Ear Game Parts of the Ear Game
Parts of the Ear Game
By Andrea Praught
sku: A14ADV1161
$ 5
This is a fun digital learning activity for a student to review the 3 parts of the ear. The learner identifies the function of each part, what is in each part and uses a diagram to identify parts of t ... he ear.There are very few digital learning activities available today. Advocacy practice for students with hearing loss includes learning about hearing. As students begin to learn how they ear, identifying the 3 parts of the ear is a first step. They need lots of practice labeling different parts of the ear and identifying how they help with hearing. Learning Objective:1. The student will be able to identify functions of the 3 parts of the ear. 2. Given a diagram, the student will label the part of the ear.
Comparing Listening Situations Comparing Listening Situations
Comparing Listening Situations
By Andrea Praught
sku: A14ADV1162
$ 5
This interactive Google Slides activity asks students to evaluate 4 listening situations (presented in pictures and short descriptions) and rate them on a scale according to listening difficulty. Afte ... r rating the situations, students are tasked with providing an explanation of why each situation is difficult or easy to hear. This would be a great 'stepping off' activity to begin a unit on coping skills or to evaluate how a student perceives different situations and why/how he/she feels about his/her listening abilities.There is very little digital learning activities available for remote learning today. This tool that asks students to rate situations that are difficult or easy to hear encourages introspection about a student's hearing loss. Asking student to explain why the situation is easy or hard to hear encourages them to evaluate their own listening skills and how advocacy can improve even the most difficult situation.Learning Objective:The student will be able to compare listening situations by rating them on a scale from easy to hear to hear. The student will be able to describe why a specific listening situation is difficult or easy to hear, giving support for their answers.