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BUNDLE - 17 Story-based Preschool Lesson Sets from Happily, Ever After BUNDLE - 17 Story-based Preschool Lesson Sets from Happily, Ever After
BUNDLE - 17 Story-based Preschool Lesson Sets from Happily, Ever After
$ 1995
17 Story-based Preschool Lesson Sets - Early Childhood / Preschool teaching materials for the book includes a) a synopsis of the storybook b) a letter to send home to families explaining the storybook ... unit and activities they can do at home c) suggestions for setting up your classroom to revolve around the story (dramatic play area, sensory area, art area, science area, book area, and bulletin board) d) activities separated into two weeks, each week including: a distinctive thematic, e) focus of the Week; Circle Time activities including songs, poems, fingerplays, and story-reading ideas; and six detailed Group Activities with designated target areas, f) snacks related to the story, g) a Pretest and Posttest. BUNDLE IDs P06LAN0437-0453.
ELF - Early Listening Function  - Oticon Designed Version ELF - Early Listening Function  - Oticon Designed Version
ELF - Early Listening Function - Oticon Designed Version
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XASM0084
$ 0
Discovery tool for families to raise awareness of the impact of their child's hearing loss and size of their 'listening bubble' in quiet and noise, with and without amplification. Scorable for pre/pos ... t-test use by DHH professionals. Version designed by Oticon.
VALENTINE Active Listening Direction Game Flip & Switch VALENTINE Active Listening Direction Game Flip & Switch
VALENTINE Active Listening Direction Game Flip & Switch
By Listen With Lynn - Lynn A. Wood
sku: A15LIS1445
$ 5
VALENTINE Flip & Switch is a fast-paced listening, language, and following-direction game. Flip & Switch is fun for the kids and easy for you! It's an easy one-time prep to use over and over year afte ... fter year.Players listen and move, flip and switch the two-sided game cards. There are six sets of sequential auditory directions that feature the spatial concepts - next to, over, below, above, left, right, and switch. When followed exactly they end with a rewarding self-check confirmation.IDEAL FOR:Listening & Spoken Language, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Auditory Verbal Sessions, Speech and Language Therapy, Auditory Processing, Special Education, Home ActivitiesYOU CAN TARGET:• Following auditory directions - easy to complex.• Understanding descriptions involving spatial concepts• Auditory working memory, auditory processing, comprehension, and executive functioning.THE GAME INCLUDES: • 6-Playing Cards Winter themed• 6-sets of multi-step auditory directions that increase in complexity • Pre-game expansion suggestions• Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) TipsFLIP & SWITCH WAS CREATED FOR KIDS-  who are deaf and hard of hearing who use hearing devices.- with auditory processing needs.- who can benefit from listening and following directions practice◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ CUSTOMER TIPS:➼ Questions? Email me before purchasing this resource or anytime later.♥ Sign-up HERE for the Listen With Lynn emails♥ For more ideas visit my blog: HearSayLW.com♥ Let’s Connect:InstagramFacebookKeep up the excellent work. I'm blessed to help along the way.Lynn Wood
Baby Development and Wearing Hearing Aids - 0-9 Months of Age Baby Development and Wearing Hearing Aids - 0-9 Months of Age
Baby Development and Wearing Hearing Aids - 0-9 Months of Age
By Karen Anderson
sku: P01TEA0460
$ 195
This information describes infant development in terms of successful hearing aid use and what families should be aware of, and can do to support full-time hearing aid wear. Divided into the age ranges ... 0-6 months and 6-9 months. Provides detail on why to check hearing aids daily and on how to perform a Ling sound listening check starting about 3 months of age.
12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing 12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing
12 Steps to Approaching Speech Language Pathology Services for a Child that is Hard of Hearing
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0213
$ 0
Guide written for speECH- language pathologists and others new to meeting the needs of students who are hard of hearing. Provides 12 stePS- to consider when determining appropriate services and accomm ... odations.
The Kissing Hand (HEA 11) The Kissing Hand (HEA 11)
The Kissing Hand (HEA 11)
$ 195
The Kissing Hand - Early Childhood / Preschool teaching materials for the book includes a) a synopsis of the storybook b) a letter to send home to families explaining the storybook unit and activities ... they can do at home c) suggestions for setting up your classroom to revolve around the story (dramatic play area, sensory area, art area, science area, book area, and bulletin board) d) activities separated into two weeks, each week including: a distinctive thematic, e) focus of the Week; Circle Time activities including songs, poems, fingerplays, and story-reading ideas; and six detailed Group Activities with designated target areas, f) snacks related to the story, g) a Pretest and Posttest
Ear Infections and Early Learning Ear Infections and Early Learning
Ear Infections and Early Learning
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0230
$ 0
Informational handout about the impact of fluctuating hearing loss caused by recurrent ear infections. Includes prevalence of ear infections in children, relationship to learning issues and what famil ... ies and interventionists can do.
Article: If We Could Improve Just ONE Thing - Getting the Most Out of Early Hearing Loss Identification Article: If We Could Improve Just ONE Thing - Getting the Most Out of Early Hearing Loss Identification
Article: If We Could Improve Just ONE Thing - Getting the Most Out of Early Hearing Loss Identification
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XTEA0294
$ 0
Informational article describing the relationship between consistency of amplification use from an early age and successful child learning outcomes. For audiologists and early intervention providers.
ELFLing - Early Listening Function using Ling Sounds to Identify Listening Bubble Size for Young Children. ELFLing - Early Listening Function using Ling Sounds to Identify Listening Bubble Size for Young Children.
ELFLing - Early Listening Function using Ling Sounds to Identify Listening Bubble Size for Young Children.
By Teacher Tools/SSCHL
sku: S0XASM0087
$ 0
Procedure to present Ling sounds at different distances in quiet/noise, near/far. Functional listening assessment to identify listening bubble for Ling speECH- sounds. Child response to Ling sounds - ... pointing to images/toys, repeating sound, identifying images representing Ling sounds.
Barn Dance (HEA 5) Barn Dance (HEA 5)
Barn Dance (HEA 5)
$ 195
Barn Dance - Early Childhood / Preschool teaching materials for the book includes a) a synopsis of the storybook b) a letter to send home to families explaining the storybook unit and activities they ... can do at home c) suggestions for setting up your classroom to revolve around the story (dramatic play area, sensory area, art area, science area, book area, and bulletin board) d) activities separated into two weeks, each week including: a distinctive thematic, e) focus of the Week; Circle Time activities including songs, poems, fingerplays, and story-reading ideas; and six detailed Group Activities with designated target areas, f) snacks related to the story, g) a Pretest and Posttest