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ASL Teaching Resources
Sign Language Posters Math Set
$ 699
Type Of Resource:
Worksheet/Activity | Digital Book, Guide, Chapter
Ability Level:
Grade Range:
K-2 | 3-5 | 6-8
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Sign Language Posters Math Set is a unique visual tool to aid in teaching math concepts.

Using math words can seem like learning a new language!

As educators, we know firsthand how tricky math vocabulary can be for our students- especially using exact math word(s) correctly, much less knowing the signs for them. Students with math disabilities, especially those with English as a second language learners or who have language disabilities, will have a tough time learning new math words.

While this is true, be reminded that YOU are an essential factor in students’ learning. YOU are the one who can make an impact based on the strategies you implement to grow your students’ knowledge of math vocabulary. To help you get started, we have seven strategies for using the Numeracy Vocabulary Posters with Sign Language.

7 Proven Approaches to Elevate Your Students’ Math Vocabulary:

  1. Strategically Display: Elevate math vocabulary by prominently displaying the posters in your classroom, ensuring easy reference for all students.
  2. Visual Reinforcement: Reinforce newly introduced concepts by illustrating sample problems on the board.
  3. Build on Familiar Ground: Commence teaching with concepts your students already understand, then progressively introduce more complex terms through daily practice exercises.
  4. Desk References: Provide ASL Math Mini Posters, which students can tape onto their desks for convenient access.
  5. Notebook Aids: Offer pocket-size cards that fit inside students’ notebooks, serving as handy, on-the-go reference guides.
  6. Personalization Opportunity: Encourage students to personalize their posters using the black and white versions.
  7. Active Engagement: Foster active learning by having students write examples for each term on the reverse side of their ASL Math Posters.

By implementing these seven effective strategies with the Sign Language Posters Math, you can kickstart closing the knowledge gap for all your students.

Other Details:

SKU: A26ASL1584
Date first listed on Teacher Tools Takeout: May 1, 2024

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