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Karen Andersonverified-badge
Toddler Development and Wearing Hearing Aids 18-24 Months of Age
$ 195
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General Practice Information
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Speaking & Listening:
SL1 | SL2
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This information describes toddler development for 18-24 months in terms of successful hearing aid use and what families should be aware of, and can do to support full-time hearing aid wear. Delves into the start of independence skills, teaching children that only adults remove hearing aids and how to perform a Ling sound listening check appropriate to this age range. Includes images to assist in performing the Ling sound check.  

Other Details:

SKU: P01TEA0462
Date first listed on Teacher Tools Takeout: Jul 21, 2020

Karen L. Anderson, PhD has been in the field of education for children with hearing loss for 40 years. She has authored many handouts, checklists, chapters and books.  She established www.successforkidswithhearingloss.com in 2011 including authoring much of the website information, bimonthly update newsletters, and has been an active speaker nationally and internationally. Karen has been called the 'handout queen' and enjoys sharing practical resources. 

CONTACT US / Questions?

Our mission is to improve the futures of children with hearing loss. Visit the SSCHL Home Page Contact the SSCHL TEAM Phone: 888-963-8991 YES – we love Purchase Orders!  FAX your PO to:480-393-4331.
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You can fax POs or email scanned purchase orders to: orders@success4kidswhl.com 

LetterMailing Address: Remit payments to:
Success for Children with Hearing Loss
12094 Anderson Rd/Suite 347 
Tampa, FL 33625

Other business issues contact: Karen L. Anderson, Director, Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss, 1775 Garland Lane N., Plymouth, MN 55447 USA. SSCHL is a registered business in MN.  karen@success4kidswhl.com

Need a W-9 or Vendor Information? 

A current W-9 form can be downloaded here: SSCHL 2020 W-9 Form.  The W-9 form reflects the Minnesota business address, not the Florida shipping and remit address. Need to set up SSCHL as a vendor? Please send a request to questions@success4kidswhl.comDun & Bradstreet # 080590521. In 2017 Supporting Success is an S-Corporation (EIN 81-320-3727).

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Only residents of Minnesota will be charged sales tax during online sales. If you are a tax exempt Minnesota school please use the coupon code MINNESOTASCHOOL to waive this tax fee. It is unlawful for Minnesota residents who are not tax exempt to use this coupon code to prevent payment of sales tax.

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